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Veneers – Reno, NV

Cover Your Cosmetic Imperfections


Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? It can be difficult to feel confident when you have visual flaws in your teeth. Fortunately, veneers may be the solution! This cosmetic procedure has been used for decades to address several different cosmetic issues and make dental flaws disappear. They can be placed in as few as two appointments at Village Dental. To learn more about how you can cover your cosmetic imperfections, give us a call! We’d be happy to answer your questions and get you started with an initial consultation.

What are Dental Veneers?

Veneer in Reno being held by tweezers

Veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored material that are placed over the front surface of the teeth to mask imperfections. They are able to conceal all sorts of different aesthetic flaws that patients are unhappy with. They are often considered by people who have teeth that are:

  • Cracked
  • Chipped
  • Discolored
  • Gapped
  • Misshapen
  • Undersized

The dental porcelain that’s used to make veneers closely resembles your natural tooth enamel, leaving you with a beautiful, healthy-looking appearance. On top of that, these materials are very strong and able to prevent stains and chips in the future.

The Process of Getting Veneers

Woman having veneers in Reno placed

The first step of the veneer process is your initial consultation. At this time, you will be able to discuss the goals that you have for your smile and how veneers can help you to achieve the results that you’re looking for. If you’re deemed a good candidate for the procedure, a small portion of your protective enamel will be removed from the front-facing surface of the teeth, and an impression is made. This impression is then sent to a dental laboratory where your dental veneers will be crafted. In the meantime, you will be given a set of temporary ones that will protect your teeth and help you to become accustomed to how your permanent veneers will feel. As soon as your custom veneers are ready, you can return to the practice, and they will be cemented into place. At this time, small adjustments can be made to give you perfectly comfortable and natural-looking results.

The Benefits of Veneers

Woman pointing to her smile with veneers in Reno

Veneers have numerous benefits for patients who are looking to achieve a perfected smile. Here are just a few:

  • Stain resistance: Veneers resist stains much more than your natural tooth enamel does. Ultimately, they are a long-term whitening solution.
  • Long-lasting: With proper maintenance, veneers can last upwards of 15 years.
  • Natural-looking: Veneers are carefully and precisely placed so they have a natural appearance. No one will even be able to tell that you’ve had cosmetic work done.
  • Personalized: Dental veneers are made to be the exact size, shape, and color needed to perfectly blend in with the rest of your smile.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Credit cards and wallet on table

Many people believe veneers are too expensive for the average person, but this is untrue. Although they cost more than other procedures, they can also be the most affordable option because of their versatility. Various factors affect the amount you’ll pay, such as the number of teeth you are improving. Don’t worry, we strive to keep the cost of veneers in Reno affordable for everyone. We will help you find the solutions you need to achieve the smile of your dreams without losing your life’s savings.

Cost VS Cosmetic Dentistry: What's Right for Me?

Woman pointing at her teeth

No two smiles are identical; however, multiple procedures can address many frequent concerns. Consider all your options when investing in cosmetic dentistry, such as the duration of the treatment, lifespan of the procedure, and the cost. Your cosmetic dentist in Reno will discuss every avenue to find the ideal strategy to revamp your smile.

  • Braces: Whether brackets and wires or clear aligners, orthodontics can fix various bite and alignment problems. Although braces are effective, they can require a 14-to-24-month commitment, even when treating minor issues, like gaps between teeth.
  • Teeth Whitening: Whitening treatments can get teeth up to 8 shades whiter with results that can last for months to years with the right maintenance. Unfortunately, whitening systems aren’t effective on all stains.
  • Direct Bonding: A composite resin material provides a quick fix for many minor aesthetic issues, like chips, cracks, and discoloration. It’s an affordable method, but it will need to be replaced every few years.
  • Veneers: Veneers can resolve a multitude of concerns using just one procedure, like gaps between teeth, chips, discoloration, and many other issues. In as few as 2 appointments, you can have a dazzling smile that can last for a decade or longer with the right maintenance, like visiting your dentist regularly.

After developing a personalized strategy to transform your smile, we’ll provide you with an estimate and explain the fees included in your treatment plan. A member of our team will review your payment options, so you’ll know exactly what you’ll have to pay before committing to anything.

How to Make Veneers Affordable

Man holding cash for payment

There’s not a flat fee for veneers because several factors influence the cost, like any preparatory work and the complexity of your case. We offer multiple financial solutions to keep a picture-perfect smile within your budget, including:

  • Traditional Payments: We accept all forms of traditional payments, including cash, checks, and credit cards.
  • Dental Insurance: Veneers aren’t often covered by dental insurance, but there are some exceptions. If applicable, we will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize any benefits.
  • Third-Party Financing: Pay for any out-of-pocket expenses using monthly installments through a third-party financing company.
  • In-House Savings Plan: Benefit from discounted rates for common dental treatments after a low annual membership fee.

If you have any questions about paying for veneers in Reno, or you’re ready to schedule your consultation, contact our office today. We look forward to creating a smile you’ll be proud to show off.

Veneers FAQs

Question mark written in chalk on blackboard

Veneers in Reno are an excellent solution to enhance your smile; however, they are a big commitment. It’s normal to have a few concerns before you’re ready to agree to them. We take the time to explain the process, so you feel confident about the decision you’re making. To ease any apprehensions, here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions about veneers.

How many veneers will I need?

A veneer can be applied to a single tooth, such as to fix a chip or crack; however, the overall goal of the procedure is to enhance the entire smile. As a result, your cosmetic dentist in Reno will likely recommend more than one. Everyone’s needs differ, so there isn’t any way to know how many you’ll need without first examining your mouth and learning more about your goals. Typically, they are attached to the teeth most visible when smiling. Some patients may need as few as 4 to 6 while others may require 8 to 12. Your cosmetic dentist will explain how many they recommend during your veneers consultation to ensure seamless results.

Are veneers permanent?

Veneers aren’t considered permanent because they will eventually need to be replaced, but they aren’t reversible, either. Some enamel must be removed to ensure the veneers sit flush. Although this doesn’t harm the health of your tooth, it can leave it vulnerable. As a result, your teeth will always need to be covered by restorations, whether veneers or crowns. Although veneers won’t last forever, various factors influence their lifespan, like your oral hygiene. On average, veneers last for about 10 years before needing to be replaced, but with the right aftercare, they can thrive for much longer.

Are veneers covered under dental insurance?

Veneers are most often categorized as elective, so it’s rare for dental insurance to cover any of the cost, but there are some exceptions. Since the teeth must always be covered after the enamel has been etched, your policy may help pay for replacements. Your dental plan may also include coverage for certain steps in your treatment, like X-rays or any necessary prep work, such as fillings. If applicable, a member of our team will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to file any claim forms, so you have one less thing to worry about.

Do veneers feel natural?

Modern veneers are very thin, so they won’t feel bulky in your mouth. Many patients report they don’t even notice their veneers when eating or speaking. Your veneers will fit perfectly because your cosmetic dentist uses advanced technology. Removing a small amount of enamel prevents any uncomfortable ledges, so your teeth will feel smooth when you run your tongue over them. Although your veneers will feel like your real teeth, it’s not uncommon to experience a little sensitivity after they are first applied. Don’t worry, any discomfort will subside within a day or two. You may even forget they are in your mouth.