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Dental Implants – Reno, NV

A Permanent Solution
for Tooth Loss


Whenever a patient comes to Village Dental hoping to replace their missing teeth, we always recommend dental implants first. Why? Because compared to every other option, they offer the most natural-looking, durable, and aesthetic results. They are basically the next best thing to real teeth, and Dr. Cercek and Dr. Rodriguez have already used them to give countless patients their smiles and confidence back. If you’re ready to close any unwanted gaps for good, contact us today to learn more about replacing missing teeth with dental implants in Reno, NV.

What is a Dental Implant?

Smile with dental implant post visible

A dental implant is essentially a replacement tooth root. A small titanium post is positioned within the jaw in the space formerly occupied by a tooth, and there, it actually melds with the bone. This makes it extremely stable, and then it can be topped with a crown, bridge, or denture to restore the visible portion of a tooth. To date, implants are the only dental prosthetic that has a two-part structure just like natural dentition.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

dentist showing a patient how dental implants work in Reno

At Village Dental, we want all of our patients to receive the highest quality of care possible, which is why we partner with local dental implant specialists. This team-based approach to the dental implant process ensures a patient enjoys premium care from start to finish, guaranteeing a positive result before the process even begins.

Keep in mind that while getting dental implants takes much longer than receiving a traditional denture or bridge, the long-term benefits of your new smile will absolutely be worth the wait. While everyone’s treatment will look somewhat different, here is a basic outline of how dental implants work in Reno.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

elderly couple at their dental implant consultation

Your first appointment will consist of either Dr. Cercek or Dr. Rodriguez examining your smile to determine your eligibility for dental implants. From there, you will discuss your various options for tooth replacement and come up with a personalized treatment plan, including an estimated timeline.

Some patients may not be good dental implant candidates at first. In that case, we may recommend preparatory treatments (tooth extractions, bone grafting, gum disease therapy, etc.) to maximize your chances of dental implant success.

Dental Implant Surgery

dentists performing dental implant surgery

Village Dental partners with some of Reno’s best oral surgeons and periodontists to perform the surgical portion of dental implant treatment, where the new roots are actually placed into the jaw. These professionals have undergone advanced training to be able to place your implants at precise locations and angles.

After numbing your mouth, your implant dentist in Reno will make an incision in your gums to access the jawbone. The implants are inserted in just the right way. Then, your gums are stitched closed and you can begin healing.

Dental Implant Osseointegration/Abutment

dental implant post in the jawbone

Over the next three to six months, osseointegration will occur. This is the process by which the implant posts fuse with your jawbone, essentially becoming the same structure. It’s what makes dental implants so reliable and long-lasting. During osseointegration, you may receive a temporary restoration so that you can enjoy the benefits of having teeth again.

After this process is complete, a metal attachment called an abutment is placed on top of your implants. This connector piece will allow your custom restorations to be secured onto the posts.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

dental bridge supported by two dental implant posts

Once a patient’s mouth fully heals, they will return to our dental office to receive their new teeth. Depending on how many teeth you need to replace, you may receive a crown, bridge, or denture. Rest assured that each of these restorations is personalized to resemble your natural pearly whites. Once we’ve placed your new teeth on top of your dental implants in Reno, no one should even be able to tell that they’re not natural!

Benefits of Dental Implants

friends enjoying a meal outside

Dental implants in Reno are an incredibly popular tooth replacement solution among patients due to the variety of unique benefits that they offer. Because they restore the entire structure of missing teeth, including the roots, they’re able to offer stability and lifelike feeling and function that eliminates the need for messy denture adhesive and special restoration cleaning products. You can learn more about the benefits that you’ll be able to enjoy with dental implants below.

Day-to-Day Benefits

person eating a cookie

  • Versatile Treatment. Dental implants are a versatile solution that can benefit patients in all types of tooth loss situations. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or both of your arches, implants are able to secure any type of restoration in your mouth to complete your smile.
  • Easy Maintenance. Due to the natural function and fit of your implant-retained restorations, you’re able to easily care for them just as you would your natural teeth. There’s no need to remove them when you sleep and soak them in water, just brush twice a day, floss daily, rinse with antibacterial mouthwash, and visit your implant dentist in Reno every six months for a checkup and cleaning.
  • Boosted Confidence. The smile is oftentimes the first trait that people notice about each other, which is why many patients feel self-conscious about having gaps in their smiles. With a complete grin, you can feel more confident speaking, laughing, and eating.

Health Benefits

person smiling and sitting at a table

  • No Slipping or Shifting. Since your dental implants are rooted in your jawbone, you’ll be able to easily eat your food without having to worry about restorations that slip or shift in your mouth.
  • Improved Jaw Strength. Due to the biocompatible nature of dental implants, they’re able to fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This allows them to provide the bone with necessary blood flow and stimulation to keep it from deteriorating.
  • Better Oral Health. Without gaps in your smile, there will be fewer places for bacteria, food debris, and plaque to hideout, helping you avoid the development of common oral health problems like gum disease and cavities.

Long-Term Benefits

person smiling with their arms crossed

  • Prevention of Facial Changes. One common issue that people notice when they have dentures, bridges, or other traditional restorations is that their facial shape changes. Due to jawbone deterioration, cheeks can begin to look hollow and saggy, affecting the overall appearance of your face. Because dental implants prevent bone erosion in the jaw, you won’t have to worry about this.
  • Extended Lifespan. With the proper maintenance, dental implants can last over 35 years.
  • High Success Rate. The dental implant procedure boasts an impressive 95% success rate after placement of 10 years. Some patients are even able to enjoy their new smile for the rest of their lifetime!

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Man outside in city smiling with dental implants in Reno, NV

There are several ways to replace missing teeth, and among them dental implants are considered the gold standard. They are versatile enough to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or even all of your teeth; however, you will need to meet certain criteria before you can be considered a candidate. During your first consultation, we’ll figure out whether implants are right for you, and if you decide to move on to the next step, we’ll put together a treatment plan that has been fully personalized with your needs in mind.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Woman with dental implants in Reno, NV smiling in park

Dental implants are usually only recommended for adults with fully developed jawbones. You’ll have to meet three basic criteria before you can move on to implant surgery:

  • You need to be in good enough health that your body can heal properly after a minor surgical procedure.
  • You need healthy teeth and gums, meaning no gum disease or cavities.
  • You need a jaw that can support the implant posts.

Patients who don’t meet these criteria may be able to receive bone grafts, gum disease therapy, and other treatments that can make dental implants an option again.

Missing 1 Tooth

Single dental implant in Reno, NV between two natural teeth

Your mouth needs a full set of teeth to function properly; even one missing tooth makes a devastating difference when lost. A dental implant post can be placed in the socket, and once osseointegration is finished, we can attach a crown to it. The final implant crown will be shaded so that it looks like the rest of your smile, and it will be precisely designed to fill in the empty space so that the rest of your teeth don’t drift. For patients who can’t get a dental bridge because of a lack of healthy teeth – or those who would rather not lose enamel in order to receive their restoration – a single implant and crown is often the best option.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Two dental implants in Reno, NV for a dental bridge

You don’t need to get an implant for each missing tooth. Implants can be used to support all kinds of restorations with a minimal amount of posts. For example, three or more teeth in a row can be replaced with two dental implants and a bridge. Using implants instead of teeth to support a bridge is better for your oral health in the long run since there’s no need to alter your remaining teeth. Also, if you’ve lost teeth throughout an arch that are not right next to each other, a partial denture can be made to snugly fit into the gaps like a puzzle piece. Implant posts will be inserted wherever the denture needs support.

Missing All Teeth

Illustration of dentures being placed on four dental implants in Reno, NV

A custom-made denture is the most reliable way to speak and eat again after an entire arch of teeth has been lost. It only takes about 4 to 6 implants to secure a full denture to the jawbone and provide it with chewing strength that’s on par with your natural teeth. There are many major advantages that implant dentures have over traditional dentures, one of the most important being that they’re easier to take care of because they don’t have to be taken out of the mouth.

Learn More About All-On-4 Implants

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Animated smile during dental implant tooth replacement

Dental implants are a very versatile treatment, and they need to be in order to help patients dealing with varying degrees of tooth loss. Because of this, the cost is always different from person to person. When you come to see us for a consultation, we’ll discuss everything that can affect the cost of dental implants in Reno, such as how many implants you need, where they will be located, and what kind of restoration they will support, so you know exactly what to expect. Our team will be happy to discuss your payment options as well as work with you to navigate whether dental insurance will help cover portions of your overall treatment.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

An older man listening to a dentist explain the preliminary treatments he might need to receive dental implants

Your initial consultation will include discussions regarding your need for preliminary treatment. If our team discovers signs of gum disease or jawbone deterioration, it may be necessary to undergo bone grafting, periodontal therapy, or even tooth extraction. Any of these procedures will add to the overall cost of your treatment.

But the actual surgery will also play a contributor factor in your total expenses. Because we do not perform the actual implant surgery in-house, we instead partner with local oral surgeons who will ensure the successful placement of your dental implants in Reno. As a result, you will be responsible for paying two separate fees: one to the oral surgeon for surgery and the other for your custom restoration, which you will receive in our office.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

An up-close image of a dental implant post located on the lower arch between two healthy teeth

Additional components of the cost breakdown for dental implant treatment include factoring in the parts of your dental implant. Everything from how many you will need to the type of restoration as well as the size, material, and brand of implants will cause your total to increase or remain low. Naturally, replacing a single missing tooth with one implant and a dental crown will cost much less than using between 4 and 6 implants and an implant denture to replace an entire arch. However, when you compare it to a traditional denture, it is more cost-effective to go with implant dentures.

You will also discover that the size, which is dependent on the location of your missing tooth, as well as the materials, which are typically either titanium or zirconia, will contribute to the overall cost. As will the brand and manufacturer. Similar to cars, dental implants come in various makes and models, so if you’re looking for a cheaper option, remember that you may not achieve the same long-lasting results.

When meeting with our team, you can trust that we will go over all the information concerning the parts of your dental implant so that you know you are getting the highest quality prosthetic available.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

An older woman wearing white points to her healthy smile thanks to dental implants

If you’re unsure how much money you’ll actually save by choosing dental implants, you will quickly discover that when compared to traditional bridges or dentures, it is a much more cost-effective solution. Here’s how:

  • Adjustments and replacements every few years are not necessary with dental implants because they are surgically put into place by an implant dentist in Reno.
  • Dental adhesives and specialized cleaning products are not necessary because you’ll have a prosthetic that is fused with the jawbone and does not need added security for placement. Also, your implants act like regular teeth, so you can freely brush, floss, and rinse your teeth like normal.

By choosing dental implants, you will enjoy greater oral and overall health. You can minimize your chances of tooth decay and gum disease by continuing to care for your artificial teeth as you do your natural teeth, and you can lower your risk for systemic diseases that can lead to significant costs later in life.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

A stack of money with dental instruments lying on top of it

As convenient as it would be to have dental insurance cover the cost of your entire treatment, this is most often not possible. Unfortunately, many companies still do not view dental implants as a “medical necessity,” however, it is possible that you may be eligible to receive some coverage for your preliminary treatments, initial consultation, and custom restoration. Our team will help you to understand what might be covered as well as file any claims or paperwork on your behalf.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

A male patient and female dental employee discussing alternative payment options

Apart from the portion insurance may or may not pay, you may need an alternative way to pay for the remaining costs. This can be accomplished in two ways:

  • Our in-house savings plan: If you’re uninsured, you can enroll in our in-house savings plan by paying one flat rate for access to preventive care as well as receive discounts on other available services.
  • CareCredit: If financing is what you prefer, you can enroll in a low or no interest payment plan through CareCredit, which will allow you to break up the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly payments.

By coming to Village Dental for your dental implants, our team will be here to help you through the process of attaining a healthier, more beautiful smile while making sure your costs remain as low as possible. Contact us today to find out how we can help you take the next step in replacing your missing teeth with a trusted, superior, and affordable solution.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

a man touching his cheek due to failed dental implant

With their incredible success rate of 95% and above, even 10 years after being placed, you can expect to make the most of an exceptionally comprehensive and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth with dental implants. That said, there’s still a slim chance that your new pearly whites can fail over time—whether several years afterward or a few weeks after your surgery. If you notice any issues with your results, make sure to notify our team so we can provide dental implant salvage treatment.

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Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implant

closeup of woman smiling

Following dental implant placement, it’ll take a few months for the posts to fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. However, once that process is complete, you can expect your newly rebuilt smile to last several decades! Of course, that’s only the case with proper care and maintenance. You need to give your implants the same level of care and attention as you would your natural teeth. Click the button below to learn which steps you can take to ensure your implants have a long and healthy life.

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

man flossing in bathroom mirror

Although dental implants can’t get cavities, you still need to take proper care of them. Otherwise, the gum tissue surrounding the implant could become inflamed and affected due to plaque and bacteria buildup. If you want to keep your oral health in tip-top shape, you need to practice good oral hygiene (i.e., brush twice a day, floss daily, and rinse every day with an ADA-approved mouthwash).

Eat a Healthy Diet

older couple shopping for healthy food

Once you’re all healed up after dental implant surgery, you can eat almost any food you want! However, it’s a good idea to avoid meals high in sugar and starch as it’ll only make it easier for bacteria to produce harmful acids that damage your teeth. You should be eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Don’t forget to stay hydrated! By drinking plenty of water, you can keep your mouth clean and loosen food debris.

Break Bad Habits

closeup of woman biting her fingernails

Dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth replacement because they can last a lifetime with proper care – but that doesn’t mean they are not indestructible. You should never use your artificial teeth as tools or bite your fingernails. Do not chew on foods that could easily crack or chip your pearly whites (i.e., ice cubes, popcorn kernels, hard candy). 

Protect Your Dental Implants

closeup of person holding mouthguard

There are many reasons why dental implants could break or fail, including forced trauma or injury. Make sure you keep yourself safe with a protective mouthguard. You should wear it during contact sports like football, basketball, soccer, hockey, and wrestling. If you grind or clench your teeth at night, you should consider wearing a nightguard. It’ll help prevent unnecessary wear and tear on your smile.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

patient talking to dentist about dental X-ray

A solid oral hygiene routine includes routine dental appointments. Make sure you visit our office every six months for a checkup and cleaning! During every appointment, we’ll conduct a thorough oral examination and remove any plaque or tartar that may have developed since your last visit. With our help, you can avoid painful and expensive complications in the future.

Dental Implant FAQs

woman thinking about dental implants in Reno

Choosing to replace your missing teeth with implants can feel like a big decision. It’s a smart investment in your smile, but you may still have questions about this treatment. Below, we’ve answered some of the most commonly asked questions we get about dental implants in Reno. Take a look at our responses and see if they help you understand this complicated treatment better—or you can contact us and schedule an appointment with us to discuss your specific case.

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

The process of placing dental implants includes a surgical procedure; however, our compassionate, skilled team will make sure you’re completely numb and comfortable before we begin. You shouldn’t feel anything while you’re in our office, but keep in mind that you may experience a little discomfort in the recovery. That’s why we recommend taking it easy for a day or two afterward and taking over-the-counter pain medication.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

Every patient is different and may require a various amount of time following the procedure to feel back to “normal.” However, we recommend that you avoid strenuous activity for at least a couple of days. In fact, you’ll need to take at least one day to rest afterward and give the site adequate time to start the healing process and form a blood clot. You should also refrain from using a straw or using tobacco products during this time.

Will People Be Able to Tell That I Have Dental Implants?

Unlike traditional dentures, implants are grounded in the jawbone, which means they won’t slip out of place when you laugh, eat, or smile. They are designed to replicate natural tooth structure and to look and feel just like the real thing. In other words, unless they already knew of your previous tooth loss, others likely won’t notice that you have artificial teeth in your smile. All they’ll see is your confidence!

Do I Need a Bone Graft Before Getting Dental Implants?

In order for your implants to be successful, your jawbone needs to be strong and healthy to provide enough support. Some patients’ jawbone may require some extra reinforcement, whether because they lost their teeth a long time ago, they have osteoporosis, or they experienced gum disease. A bone graft can restore the requisite bone density for successful implant placement. During your consultation, we’ll consider your jaw’s bone density and determine whether bone graft is necessary.