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Teeth Whitening – Reno, NV

An Easier Way to
Achieve a Brighter Smile


When it comes to living with a beautiful smile, most people automatically think of whiter, brighter teeth. Although desired by mostly everyone, it is often not something that is enjoyed by all. In many cases, professional treatment must occur to ensure that teeth become their whitest. With so many different things designed to dull and discolor smiles, our team at Village Dental is here to provide take-home Opalescence teeth whitening kits. Call us today to find out how you can get started with your own whitening solution.

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Before and after image of teeth whitening

To determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening, you will need to schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist. This visit is essential to determine if your oral health is in good enough shape to undergo this type of treatment.

If signs of gum disease or existing tooth decay are evident, we will need to perform preliminary procedures before allowing you to move forward with teeth whitening.

However, most individuals are eligible to receive teeth whitening, even if their smiles need a bit of work beforehand. If you are struggling with discoloration or stains that will not go away no matter how many times you brush, make sure to contact our team to discuss.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

At-home teeth whitening system

Each dentist’s office offers different types of teeth whitening. At Village Dental, we are pleased to provide Opalescence Take-Home Whitening kits so that our patients can brighten their smiles when it is most convenient for them.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

When it comes to whitening your teeth, you’ll want to take advantage of our individualized whitening kits. You will be provided with a custom set of trays along with high-grade bleaching gel. This will ensure that your teeth undergo a thorough process that involves eliminating the stains on the enamel as well as below. In just 2 weeks, you can expect to see your smile become 6-8 shades brighter!

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Girl with brighter teeth and pointing at her smile

As nice as it would be for your whiter smile to last a lifetime, this simply is not possible. Instead, you must commit to taking proper care of your teeth once you are finished with treatment. You will need to inquire about touch-ups if you want your results to last longer, which our team will be happy to assist with.

In the meantime, you can make your results last longer by:

  • Avoiding dark-colored beverages and foods that can easily stain your teeth
  • Wear a protective mouthguard if you grind your teeth, as worn-down tooth enamel can begin to show discoloration underneath the enamel
  • Practice good oral hygiene, as regular brushing can help to remove some surface stains
  • Use a straw if you choose to drink coffee or any other darkly pigmented beverages
  • Stop smoking and consuming copious amounts of alcohol

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

patient in reno budgeting for teet whitening

The desire for a brighter smile is universal, but most patients won’t ask for teeth whitening without ensuring they can afford it. At Village Dental, we strive to ensure that every patient who wants to enhance their smile can fit it into their budget. Read on to learn more about the costs associated with teeth whitening treatments and how you can make your smile transformation more financially accessible.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

patient in reno smiling in the mirror after teeth whitening

Like most dental procedures, teeth whitening is fully customized for each patient. Because of this, it can be difficult to pin down a specific price point that’s consistent. Here are some of the factors that could influence the cost of your treatment:

  • The Seriousness of Your Discoloration: While surface stains are easier to remove, discoloration that has sunken into your enamel is far more difficult.
  • The Types of Discoloration Present: Food and drink aren’t the only culprits when it comes to staining your teeth. Medications like antidepressants and antihistamines as well as natural aging can make whitening your teeth difficult, if not impossible.
  • Dental Restorations: Fillings, crowns, and other restorations aren’t affected by whitening chemicals and may need to be replaced once your procedure is complete.

Types of Teeth Whitening: What Do They Cost?

an example of a take-home teeth whitening kit from village dental

Whitening treatments come in many shapes, sizes, and price points. These are the most prevalent and popular options and what you can expect to pay for each:

  • Whitening Strips and Gels: At $20 - $40 dollars per box, these small store-bought options are the cheapest and most accessible. You can find them at most grocery stores and pharmacies.
  • Over-the-Counter Kits: These are mass-produced and generally cost less than $100. Most come with a set of trays and enough whitening gel for a few weeks of treatment.
  • Take-Home Professional Kits: Our professional take-home whitening treatments are convenient and offer incredible results. Though the cost can vary, it’s typically a couple hundred dollars.

Fast Teeth Whitening VS Inexpensive Teeth Whitening

patient in reno smiling after teeth whitening

When it comes to results with teeth whitening treatments, you get what you pay for! For this reason, many of our patients prefer to invest more in professional care instead of taking a chance with store-bought options. Not only are cheaper treatments not customized for optimal results, but they can cause tooth sensitivity and weakened enamel from overuse. Our take-home kits use concentrated chemicals and tailor-made trays to ensure a safer, more brilliant transition in less time than the inexpensive alternatives.

Options For Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

patient in reno smiling after teeth whitening

One of the financial barriers many patients face is the fact that dental insurance often doesn’t cover procedures deemed “elective.” As part of our mission to make teeth whitening accessible for all our patients, we are happy to accept CareCredit as a financing option for your treatment. Once you qualify, you’ll receive a CareCredit card that can be used to pay for all your dental care. You can then pay off the balance in smaller installments with little to no interest. A bright and beautiful smile can be within your reach and all you need to do is give us a call! We’ll set up a consultation where we can discuss your goals and find a way forward that fits into your lifestyle and your budget!